Qadar is an Arabic word, meaning predestination or “divine fore ordainment”. It is one of the sixth pillar of faith, along with faith in unanimity of Allah, the revealed scriptures, the prophets, the days of resurrection, and archangels.
Note that what’s meant by belief in Qada’ ( the Divine will) is, sure belief that everything that happens in this universe happens by will and decree of Allah.Belief in Qadar ( the Divine decree ) is the important pillar of faith, and no one’s faith is complete without it. In Saheeh Muslim (8) it is narrated that Ibn ‘Umar ( may Allah be pleased with him ) heard that some folks were denying Qadar. He said, “If I meet these folks, I will tell them that I have nothing to do with them and that they have nothing to do with me. By the One by Whom ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Umar swore, if one among them had gold similar to Mount Uhud and he spent it, Allah wouldn’t accept from him till the time he believed in Qadar.
( A'laam Al-Sunnah Al-Manshoorah 147, Al-Qada' wa'l-Qadar Al Qada wa’l - Qadar fi daw’il kitaab wal sunnah by sheikh Abd Ar Rahman al Mahmud Al-Eeman bil Qada wa’l- Qadar by sheikh Muhammad bil Hamd.)
Meaning of Qada and Qadar
Qada and Qadar has same meaning when referred separately and it implies different meaning when mentioned together. The word Qada’ means perfection and completion, and the word Qadar means evaluating and planning.
( Chapter: destiny, radiance of faith Page number 60 )
Qadar is what Allah predestine from infinity further Qadaa is what Allah determine regarding his creatures regarding their creatures. Hence, Qadar go ahead of Qadaa.
( Sharh Al-Aqeedah Al-Waasitiyyah pg-411 )
Ibn Taymiyyah and other scholars categorized Qada and Qadar into four levels. Knowledge, will, recording and creation.
Knowledge: The belief that Allah has complete Knowledge about his creations in general terms and in minute details. Everyone act in accordance with his prior Knowledge which is everlasting and eternal.
“He encompasses all things with his knowledge ( Al Quran 65:12 )
“Do you not grasp that Allah is aware of what’s within the heavens and earth? indeed that is in a book. Indeed that is easy for Allah.” ( Surah al Hajj 22 : 80)”
Recording : Belief that Allah scribe the fate of everything in Lawh - al Mahfooz.
It is authenticated in prophet narration
“Indeed, Allah fixed the destiny of creation 50,000 years before accomplishment of heavens and Earth.” ( collected by Muslim )
“No catastrophe strikes within the Earth or in yourselves except that is in a book before I bring it into existence.” ( Surah Al Hadeed 57 : 22 )
Will: Belief that what Allah has willed happens and what Allah does not willed will not occur, whether that has to do with his actions or the action of its creation. He guides whom He desires by His mercy and misguides whom He desires by His wisdom, whatever happens is in accordance with his knowledge and what he mention in the tablet ( Lawh Al Mahfooz ) Allah’s statement. “Indeed I created everything measured.” ( Surah al-Qamar 54: 49 )
“Whoever Allah desires to guide, He opens his chest to Islam. ( Surah al anam 6:125 )
He attributes steering and misguidance to His wish.
“And Allah does what he wills” ( Surah Ibraheem 14:27 )
Concerning the action of created being Allah says -
“If your lord so willed, they would not have done it” ( Surah Al Anaam 6 : 112 )
Creation : The belief that whatever exist in heavens and Earth are Allah's creation. He is only creator and there is no creator beside him.
“He created everything and destined its measure”. ( Al Furqaan 25:2 )
Thus persons will and ability do not function outside the will and rule of Allah. He has accustomed his creature to make his choices good and evil. Hence, we do not dispute with Allah's regarding his operation and dominant. Rather we give credence to his complete Justice and Wisdom and that he is not to be questioned about what he does, may he be glorified and praised
( A'laam Al-Sunnah Al-Manshoorah 147, Al-Qada' wa'l-Qadar Al qada wa’l - qadar fi daw’il kitaab wal sunnah by sheikh Abd Ar Rahman al Mahmud Al-Eeman bil qada wa’l- qadar by sheikh Muhammad bil Hamd )
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Ibn Abil Izziz said about principle of Qada as follows
1. Allah have knowledge of things before they come into continuation. This means that Allah’s knowledge is endless. This assertion is a refutation of those who contradict that His knowledge is immortal.
2. Allah said in Quran “He created everything and destined its measure” (Surah Al Furqaan 25 :2 ). It means that Allah has foreordained everything before it comes into existence. His knowledge of every individual is superlative. So those who think that Allah has the knowledge about general things but not about particular things are incorrect in their view.
3. Allah is free to determine what to do , or to initiate his will, and nothing is binding upon him.
4. Lastly , the things that Allah establish are contingent which means that the thing come into existence later and before it does not exist. He first determine the measure before creating it.
( commentary on the creed of at Tahawi, pp 219 - 220 )
Belief in Qadar is an essential pillar of faith, and that the human mind cannot individually understand it, because it is one of the mysteries of Allah in his development of entity. whatever Allah has revealed to us in his book or on the lips of his Messenger ( peace and blessing of Allah be upon him ) we apprehend, accept and believe in, and whatever our Lord has not told us, we believe in and we believe in his superlative authority and foresight, and that he is not to be questioned about what he does, but we will be questioned.
( A'laam Al-Sunnah Al-Manshoorah 147, Al-Qada' wa'l-Qadar Al Qada wa’l - Qadar fi daw’il kitaab wal sunnah by sheikh Abd Ar Rahman al Mahmud al eeeman bi’l Qada wa’l Qadar by sheikh Muhammad bil Hamd)
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Philips, Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal. (2008). ‘A commentary on Ibn Qudamah al- Maqdisee
The Radiance of Faith from chapter destiny(Qada and Qadar)’
Salih Al - Munajjid, Sheikh Muhammad. (2010). Online journal 49004; Belief of ahl as-Sunnah concerning al Qadaa’ wa’l qadar, doi: 2010-03-30 Retrieved from
A'laam Al-Sunnah Al-Manshoorah 147, Al-Qada' wa'l-Qadar Al qada wa’l - qadar fi daw’il kitaab wal sunnah by sheikh Abd Ar Rahman al Mahmud al eeeman bi’l qada wa’l qadar by sheikh Muhammad bil Hamd)
Sharh Al-Aqeedah Al-Waasitiyyah page - 411
Al Quran 22:80
Al Quran 57:22
Al Quran 65:12
Al Quran 54:49
Al Quran 6:125
Al Quran 14:27
Al Quran 06:112
Al Quran 25:02
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