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A Man who Urinated in Masjid Al Nabawi - Islamic Hadees

A Man who  Urinated in  Masjid Al Nabawi 

An Islamic Hadees 

Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions were in the Masjid (mosque). He was giving them a lesson. A Bedouin came in and went to a corner of the Masjid, away from where the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions were. The people noticed him come in but instead of coming over to them, he went away and stooped down and started to urinate. The companions jumped up and rushed towards him. The Prophet (peace be upon him) told them to stop. “Let him go, let him finish”, then get a bucket of water and pour it on the spot, for verily your mission is to make things easy, not make them difficult”.




Imagine if it was us, if we saw somebody doing that. What would be our reaction? Just as the Sahaba reacted, “What in the world is this?” But the Prophet (peace be upon him) analyzed the situation, what was happening and he knew that was not the way to deal with it. If they rushed over and grabbed him in the middle of urinating he could have turned around, urinated on them and all over the place. So instead of solving a problem, it would have made a bigger one. Of course, this man being a Bedouin coming in from the desert didn’t know that he is not supposed to do these things. So, he would see that he is being attacked for relieving himself.  going to the bathroom. They may have beaten him up. If that had happened, what kind of impression would he have of Islam? That would be his first, early impression of Islam. Obviously, he didn’t know enough not to urinate in the Masjid (mosque). So then the Prophet (peace be upon him) went to him and called him over. He explained to him that such acts are not befitting in the place for prayer. We do it somewhere else. And he went on also, to explain to him, that the Masjid is just for remembering Allah, prayers and recitation of  Quran. That is the purpose of this place.  
So we see the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) gentle approach and wisdom. As a result, in some narrations of this hadees, the man said to the Prophet (peace be upon him) afterwards when all was explained, “You are dearer to me than my father and mother.” “I love you more than my father and mother.” This, from the way he was treated. Bedouins can be quite rough. One may wonder how he could jump from this circumstance and say, “I love you more than my father and mother”. But Bedouins can be quite rough in their dealings.

Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad SAW) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much   Surah al Ahzaab v 21

 The Prophet (SAAW) gave general encouragement to help our fellow Muslims, in one of his hadees  saying, 

“Whoever relieves a fellow Muslim of one of life’s calamities, Allah will relieve him of one of the calamities of the Day of Resurrection. And whoever goes easy on one in difficulty, Allah will go easy on him in this life and the next.” Sunan Abi Dewed 4946

An excerpt is taken from lecture of Bilal Philips of Islamic hadees class which he taught in Islamic online university 

Read the inspirational story THE DAY I DIED 


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Life is unpredictable. But I always thought I could predict what was going to happen next. It was only six days ago. I was driving home with my friends, Malik and Omar. It was Halloween night. We had just watched the movie Saw 3 at the recently refurbished theater at the 3rd Street Promenade in Santo Monica, CA.  It was 11:46 p.m. when I glanced at the clock on the dashboard and realized I hadn't made Isha.(night prayer)  But I didn't say anything, so as not to upset the mood. Just three hours earlier, I put off the Isha prayer until after the movie. Now, I was running out of time.   I only lived 26 years. My 27th birthday was exactly two weeks away. I always imagined I would live long. At least until age 60. It just wasn't imaginable that I would have such a sudden, unexpected death. I had graduated from the University of Southern California three years earlier with a degree that means absolutely nothing right now. Shortly after, I landed a job as a marketing dire