Do we Know meaning , virtue , explanation of Surah Al Fatiha. Let us understand it brother and sister. I have tried my best to simplify it so that you can understand and ponder on it. It is recommended to read twice or thrice for better understanding. This explanation of Surah Al Fatiha is retrieved from Tafsir ibn Kathir .
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Should recite Surah Al Fatiha with correct pronounciation |
TAFSIR (explanantion)– Surah Al Fatiha
It was
revealed n Makkah before Prophet (peace be upon him) migrated to
Madinah. It is fifth Surah to be revealed in chronology and first to
be revealed in its entirety.
Its meaning and its various names
Al Fatiha
means an opener. It is the first chapter of Quran. It is the surah
with which prayers are begin. It is also known as Umm-Al Kitab (means
the mother of the book), according to the agreement of majority among
Abu Huraira
narrated, Allah messenger said: “that this surah is mother of
Quran, the mother of all book and seven repeated Ayah(verse) of
Quran. It is called Al hamd and As salah.
graded authentic by Al tirmidhi)
The honor and virtue of Al Faitha
Abu Sayed Al
Mualla narrated that while he was praying, prophet of Allah called
him. He said “I did not replied till i finished my prayers. Prophet
asked “what stopped you from replying, when i called you ? I
replied 'Messenger Of Allah, I was praying.......
He said
prophet of Allah told me, “I will inform you of greatest surah in
Quran,” so when he reminded prophet of Allah that “you told me to
inform anbout the greatest surah in Quran” He said “it is Al
Hamdulillahi Rabbil Aalamin, it is seven oft repeated verse and the
manifest Quran which i was given.
( part of
hadith Al Musnad, c.f.Saheeh Al Bukharee )
Ibn Abbas,
Qatadah and Abu Aliyah were certain that Allah said in Quran
“ ..And
indeed we have grant you the seven mathani means seven verses recited
repeatedly (i.e. Surah Al Fatiha) Al Quran 15:87. And Allah is
the best knower.
Al Fatiha is also prayer
Abu Huraira narrated from prophet (peace be upon him), that he said
“whoever perform his prayer without reading Umm al Quran (Surah
Al Fatiha), his prayer is not completed. He said this three times. (A
part of Hadith recorded by Imam Muslim , Tafisr Ibn Kathir Abridged
Istihadha seeking refuge
It is impotant to seek refuge with Allah, from satan before reciting
....And say : My Lord ! I seek refuge in you from devils
incitements and i seek refuge in you. My Lord lest they be present
with me. (Al Quran 23: 96-98)
Ibn Majah recorded from Al Mundhir from Ibn Fudayl narrated that Ata
bin As Saib said that Abu Abdur Rahman As Sulami narrated from Ibn
Masood, who heard from prophet (peace be upon him) said : “O Allah
I seek refuge in you from cursed satan, from his hamz, his Nafkh and
his Nafith.” He explain hamz means death, the nafth means arrogance
and nafith is poetry.
Ar Rajm
Ibn kathir mention Ar Rajm means, being expelled from all types of
“.. And indeed we have beautified the nearest heaven with signs
and we have made such lamps Rujuman (as missiles) to drive away the
devil (shaytan) (Al Quran 67:5)
In the name of Allah, most Gracious, the most merciful.
Scholars agree unanimouly that bismillah is a part of ayah in surah
An naml which is the chapter 27.
They disagreed whether it is an ayah (verse) before every surah
(chapter) or it is an ayah or part of it included in every surah in
begning. Saying Bismillah is recommended before starting any action
or deed. It is the opinion of many scholars like Imam Ahmad sunan
compilers like Musim and Bukhari (Ibn kathir).
All praise be to Allah, the land of Alamin (everything that exists)
Ar Rahman Ar Rahim are two names extract from Rahmah (mercy).At Tirmidhi recorded which is graded authentic from Abdur Rahman bin Awf. He heard from prophet that Allah exalted be he said“I am Allah, I am Ar Rahman, I made the Raham (womb i.e family relations) and derived a name for it from my name (Ar Rahman).
Allah statement
“And he is ever merciful (Ar Rahim) to the believer. (Al Quran
Ibn jarir mention that As Surri Bin Yahya At Tamimi narrated that
uthman bin Zufar that Al Azmi said about Ar Rahman and Ar Rahim “He
is Ar Rahman with his creation and Ar Rahim with believers. Allah
chooses the name Ar Rahman exclusively for himself alone, which no
one allowed to use.
Say O Prophet call upon Allah or call upon Ar Rahman by whatever name you invoke him.(It is same), for him belong the best name. 17:110
sovereign of the day of Recompense.
Allah mention that he is lord of existence incuding this life and the
life after death. He mentions day of recompense because on that day
no other than him can claim ownership of anything. No one will be
able to speak except his permission except his permission. Allah said
“....They will not speak except him, whom the most gracious allows and he will speak only right (Al Quran 78:38)
“Allah is Al Malik whose is the kingdom of this day. Allah the
one and only, the irrestible (Al Quran 40:16)
Meaning of Ad Din means reckoning, the reward or penalty. “On
that day Allah will pay them the recompense of their deeds in full.
(Tafsir Ibn Kathir)
إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ |
You Alone we worship and from you we ask for help
Ibadah lingusitic meaning subdued, In religious terminology. It
implies utmost love, humility and fear. 'You alone we worship' is the
declaration of innocence from polythesim, while the second part
negates anyone having power or strength to help except Allah.
“ Say he is most compassionate, we believe in him, and we put our
trust in him (67:29)
اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ |
Guide us to the straight path means make us firm on the path of guidance and helps us not to deviate from it. Allah says “ This is for my servant and my servant shall obtain what he asks for.”
صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ |
The path of those upon whom you have grant your grace, defines the path.Those are the people mentioned in surah Al Nisa chapter four (Al Nisa).
“Have You (O Muhammad ) not seen those (hypocrites) who make
alllies of people, with whom Allah has become angry. (i.e. Jews)
Al Quran 58:14
غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ
Abdullah ibn Shaqeeq reported that he had heard from someone who
heard from prophet (peace be on him). A man asked messenger of Allah
“ who are these?” He said “ These are those who have
incurred anger and pointed to jews. He again asked“who are these ?”
He said “ they are astray i.e. The christians.
(Musnad Ahmad c.f. Tafseer At Tabaree)
Allah messenger said “ jews have incurred the anger of Allah
and Christians have gone astray.”
(A part of Hadith from Musnad Ahmad c.f, Sunan At Tirmidhi and
Tafseer At Tabaree )
Saying Ameen
It is recommended to say Ameen after reciting Al Fatiha. It means O
Allah acccept our invocation.
Abu Huraira Narrated prophet said about saying Ameen, when the Imam
says it and your Ameen coincides with that of Angels then his all
past sins will be forgiven. Ibn Shihab Narrated : Allah Apostle used
to say Ameen.
Sahih Al bukhari chapter 12 Hadith 747 characteristic of prayer.
Authored by Naved Khan
Read the truth about jinn
Authored by Naved Khan
Read the truth about jinn

Al -Arnaut , Abdul Qadir. Abridge Tafsir Ibn Kasir(English
version), Chapter Al Fatiha
Sahih Al bukhari chapter 12 Hadith 747 characteristic of prayer
Tafsir ibn kathir and hadith Retrieved from
Al Quran 15:87
Al Quran 40:16
Al Quran 67:29
Al Quran 58:14
Al Quran 17:110
Al Quran 33:43
Al Quran 23: 96-98
Al Quran 67:5
Musnad Ahmad
sunan at Tirmidhi
Tafseer At Tabari
Sahih Al Bukhari
Surah Al Fatiha is also named umm ul Quran because it was the first chapter written in the Quranic text and also said that it is named so because the whole Quran is summarized in the surah Fatiha. Arabs name,, umm,,to something that is most important part of something or anything that concisely summarizes the text.
nice point of view,interesting articles!
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