The understanding of Islamic ruling in times of epidemic disease.
There were many
epidemics broke out in the history, if you read any classical book of history that is 'tareekh
at tabari' or much later book by ibn katheer ' yaqut al hamawi '. you will find
many treatises and history books written
on this subject if you read a book of history you will come across a number of plagues that has occurred in past like what we are experiencing today in the name of corona virus. For example in the
year 218 hijrah, plague affected Egypt and not a single household was unaffected, in fact it is said that all the
governors and leaders and statesmen died into that. In Egypt in 228 hijrah that same plague reached Azerbaijan resulting many people died later they even ran out of cloth to cover the bodies
and they were unable to bury the dead bodies.
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death due to corona virus |
In Basra as well, in the
year 406 hijrah the plagues became so
deadly that the graveyards were full and the bodies were lying in the streets
for a few weeks, it was said that in some cases the entire family has passed
away and the bodies lying close to the house with no burial for many months until the plagues finished. In the year 448 Hijrah another plague swept through some lands
including Egypt and Andaluz and this incident Imam Ad Dahabi mentions in his book Siyaar Al Alam al Nubala in volume 18 page number 311 he said, "There was a plague and famine in Andalus and Masr that people never had seen before, the masajid (mosques) remained shut without anybody
praying in them."
so this is very explicit here, in the year 448 Hijrah the plague
was so severe and the famine was so severe that the masajid were shut and not a
single musalli (prayer) remained in certain areas and lands available and this is mentioned
in siyar al alaam al nubula and in other books of history. There were many other
incidents as well, I want to jump to now of course the infamous Black Plague
or the Black Death that swept through 8th century of the Hijrah corresponding
to the 14th century of the Gregorian calendar and it swept through the Mediterranean and
Andalusia which affected the entire globe, of course the epicenter was Europe
but it affected the entire globe, as I said that this plague the bubonic plague or
the black plague, it was the greatest plague that recorded history has ever seen
and once again in a number of regions the plague was so severe. Let me quote you
from the famous historian Al makrizee who writes in his book, Al suluok volume
4 page 88. Al Makrizee write in his
book on the Black Plague that occurred in the year 749 Hijrah, In a number of
regions, the Adhan was stopped being given, people stopped giving Adhan in entire
regions and in the famous place , he mentions that only one Adhan was given in entire city and majority of masjid and the monasteries, where Sufis would gather together were closed down, Al Markrizi (the famous shcholar) said the plague was so severe that
the majority of Masajids and in some
places all of the Massajids were shut down. So this is
something that is not new now (if we are closing our mosques), the issue of us being proactive is something
that is new it is true because those people were being reactive in those times
when it's too late then they were reacting, we're trying to be proactive and
shutting the Masajids down before it gets to the level where there are no more
musalli (prayer) left and we have to shut the masjid down, but the point is that it has
happened in Islamic history before when we had to shut masajids (mosques) and stop
the event because of the plagues that were happening no doubt and I'll be the
first to say I don't think it has ever happened to the global scale that we are
witnessing now but it is because we have more knowledge and we understand the
reality of plagues and we're being proactive because of that reason.
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The picture of Kaaba shut down due to pandemic broke out 2020 |
The reason and wisdom behind Epidemic
Ibn Hajar (the greatest commentator on Sahih Bukhari) in the year 833 Hijrah, lost three of his daughters to a plague
that affected all over Egypt during the reign of Sultan Ashraf of the Mamluk era and this made him wrote
the encyclopedic work (badlal maun fi fadlan tawun).
It is an encyclopedia over
400 pages. It is a very big treatise of 400 pages, an
encyclopedic work that covers many aspects the theology (aqeedah) of plagues, where
plagues come from, what to do in times of plagues, the hadith about plagues the
fiqh (islamic ruling) of plagues and this is a very interesting book, he wrote this book Subhan Allah what an Alim ! and what a genius ! his family has died he
had seen three of his daughter died how does
he react ! he takes that grief and he channels it to write one of the best books
the world has ever seen about the "fiqh of plagues", look at the mindsets
of of this great ulema (scholar). Some of the things that we can derive from this book that he mentions "plagues are a mercy for the believers and the punishment for others" and then he mentions the famous hadith which
is in sahih Al Bukhari that the Prophet (peace be upon him) was asked about tauun (plague, epidemic etc.), is the Arabic word
for plague and the prophet of Allah saw said that the "Tawoon is an azaab (punishment) upon whomever Allah wants and it is a Rahma (mercy) that Allah has made for the believers". So this is our theological understanding of plagues it is to be notice, he did not say azaab (punishment) on all kuffar he did not say this our prophet (peace be on him) said it is an azaab (punishment) on whomever Allah wants
it to be and it is a Rahma for the believers. So this underscores our
mentality dear Muslims all that is happening around us now we need to understand
this as being a Rahma for the Momin (believer) and we asked all that we are among the Momin (believer) we wanted it to be Rahma (mercy) even if we suffer some of the pains and the pinches
and the consequences is in our heart, our attitude is whatever is
happening there's a greater wisdom and in the end it will be Rahma for me, also
Ibn Hajar mentions about those who died in the plague and of course these chapters are very
emotional very powerful because he's lost three of his own family
members and he narrated the famous hadith of the prophet salallahu
alayhi wa sallam ,,"that anyone who remains in a land of plagues and he stays
there saabiran muhtasiban patient
expecting the reward of a loss of Allah subhana hu wa taala, knowing that nothing
will happen except whatever Allah has willed it to happen then if he dies he
shall die the death of a Shaheed." Ibn
hajar mentions the famous saying, I hope we all know this "whoever dies because of the plague with Iman and taqwa
that death will be considered the death of a Shaheed and this is a great
blessing from Allah Subhanahu wa taala and it is also a comfort and a consolation
that Ibn hajar felt much consoled that my daughters my family members died the
death of a Shaheed and he also mentions many chapters about the issue of
running away from plagues fleeing from plagues and of course the famous hadith which
is the hadith of a Umar and Abdur Aahman ibn awf "if you hear of a plague in another land don't go there and if
you're in that land don't run away from it" and then he mentions when is
this hadith applicable and when it is not applicable ?
He said it is allowed to travel to and from such
lands if there are pressing reasons to do so. What you're not allowed to do is that when
the plague has come to your land and you run away in cowardice and fearing and thinking
that running away will save you. then it is haram (prohibited). As suyuti (famous scholar ) also mention this. Majority of scholars believe that if you're in a land and you have a genuine reason to
go somewhere for example to protect your family or for medical
treatment somewhere else and so you leave one land to another land for legitimate
reason, Ibn Hajar mention then this hadith does
not apply to you, now should you leave should you not leave this also goes back
to the experts of our times (for example doctors scientists etc.) and we must listen to the medical experts if we are in an epicenter where our experts have agreed an epicenter
of disease and we are told not to travel or come out of house and we do not follow ..
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