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Showing posts from October, 2019

How would you reconcile? / आप अपने आप को कैसे समझाएंगे?

How would you reconcile? / आप अपने आप को कैसे समझाएंगे ? If there is no hereafter (next eternal life), how could you reconcile the inequalities of this world?   Would not the un-believers be right in acting as if all creation and our life is futile? But there is a hereafter and God will not treat the Good and Evil alike. He is just and will fully restore the balance disturbed in this life. The knowledge of the hereafter Revealed through His Messengers is not a mere chance or a haphazard thing. It is a real blessing – among the greatest that God has bestowed on mankind. By believing it, in an earnest spirit, man may learn of himself, and his relation to nature around him and his relation to God – the Author of all. Men of understanding may, by its help, resolve all genuine doubts that may there be in their minds and learn the truth about this life and the next life to come. This would help them to have complete trust in God and tune their will to His Unive...