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Showing posts from March, 2021
 Islamization of Education --(TEACHER'S MANUAL)  By Dr. Bilal Philips The topic of Islamization of Education has been under discussion for almost the last 40 years. It can bedated back to at least the 20th century, where educators from various parts of the world gathered in Makkah in the 70s, and analyzed the problems. Muslims were facing with regards to Education. They looked at the existing models and discussed Islamic requirements, and they wrote about the need for Islamization of knowledge as it is conveyed in the educational institutions. In fact, they virtually wrote an encyclopedia on the topic at hand. Since that time, a number of Islamic schools have arisen in Muslim countries.. Education is primarily the responsibility of parents, it is primarily the responsibility of the Muslim parents to educate their Muslim children. The early scholars of the past, whether Imam Malik, Shafi’ee or Sufyaan Ath-Thawree ,talked about their mothers and not particular schools....